Monday, April 11, 2011

Lemniscate; Great Sequel to "Angel Star"

First Thoughts:


Alright, first things first. You must realize that I have absolutely fallen in love with Garreth and when I saw a different side of him in here I was like what?! But he is exactly how he should be and I have come to terms with that. I loved the darker side to the characters, I was absolutely sucked into a deep vortex where at times I literally wanted to kick some butt for Teagan but I soon realized that it was only a book and no one was around to express my rage for certain people. *cough* -Brynn- and that I needed to get a grip on myself. This was definately a more emotinal read than "Angel Star" and it had me questioning my view on certain things. It was a very fast read for me and I totally love it and I might even like it better than "Angel Star" but only because I found a deeper connection with Teagan and some of the other characters. And I must now admit that while reading this book the entire time I listened to the track inspired for it. Yes, I listened to only those songs while reading this book. I found the song that helped connect me better to the book was "Call me when you're Sober" by Evanescence. That song seriously connected me to the book more than any of the others. These songs were picked by the author where I created them in a playlist and if you want to check them out here's the link to my blog where the playlist is: But anyways, this book literally had me on the edge of my seat, so much happened in this book and the ending was definately a suprise.


Teagan finally knows who she is but little does she know there is much more expected of her. And to top things off Garreth has changed, distancing him from her and she is left alone. Her best friend is dead, her mother is now dating Brynn's father (Yes Brynn that's made Teagan's life a living hell) and now she is left with Ryan, Claire's boyfriend when she was alive and the two of them are trying to understand what is happening around them. And the scariest thing has happened yet, Hadrian has returned and Teagan is faced with the fear of what happens next...

In this sequel to "Angel Star" Teagan is faced with her greatest fears and she must overcome the hurt and loss and believe in herself. This is an epic journey where dark and light intermingle and it is up to Teagan to figure out whether to follow the light or dark and to know her destiney.

Last Thoughts:

A wonderful read, I fell in love with the characters and plot. The ending definately was an eye opener and I was quite satisfied with everythng. no questions were left unanswered which is a relief considering I've read books where there are so many things left unsaid but this wasn't one of them. I would totally recommend this to anyone who has a love for light and dark and angels. A must read!! I give this book 5 stars for it's originality and it's beautiful writing!! Thank you Jennifer for creating such a mastermind.

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