Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Creative and Action-packed

First Thoughts:
The cover is so gorgeous, the colors that were picked are just beyond amazing, everything about this cover screams; READ ME. And so with no other encouragement (except for the rain falling outside, creating a deep rhythmic sound) I dug into this book and into a world like no other.
At first it took me a bit to get really into the story, it was interesting enough but it lacked something to really hook me into its grasp. But as soon as a few ideas were introduced and the action really picked up I couldn’t put the book down. The characters and description were just too enticing. The plot was at times a bit disorienting; I didn’t know what was happening but soon along the line the author came up and explained the reason for the disorientation; and I loved it! It was so nice not to be able to guess the ending; to know what the resolution was (well at least part of the resolution). The pace of the series was fast, there was more action than non-action so for any of those adrenaline junkies out there, and this book is for you! The characters themselves were full of personality, though few made any transformations; the only transformation Frey made was physically and not character rise (I have a hunch all her blooming will be done in book 2). I really enjoyed the description in this book, at times it was so beautiful, the words she chose to just describe the simplest of things was amazing; not every author chooses to do that. Her writing itself is easy on the eyes; it doesn’t take much to draw you in. I just love the way she writes, she has her own style; her own flare and I love it! Some issues I had with this book is the fact that the main character “Frey” was so out of it; literally. She became so weak, always having to rely on others but at times we were shown her fire within and even it frightened me; I just wished we could have seen more of it. But I’m hoping the explanation of her “episodes” in this book will all become worth it and clear in the next one. As for the dialogue, it seemed to both fit the setting and characters; I didn’t find it cheesy or fake. The story itself is so creative; it’s like the author has taken a mundane theory and turned it upside down; made us see the same thing in a whole new spear of lights. This is definitely a book to be taken into consideration; it’s better if you find time to read this book in one sitting because once you start it’s hard to stop. The ending is spectacular, it left me stunned and wanting more and the more you the read this the more you want to keep reading; to get to know the characters and unravel the many mysteries behind this story.

Goodreads Summary:
Unaware she's been bound from using magic; Frey leads a small, miserable life in the village where she's sent after the death of her mother. But a tiny spark starts a fury of changes and she finds herself running from everything she's ever known.
Hunted by council for practicing dark magic, she is certain she's been wrongfully accused. She flees, and is forced to rely on strangers for protection. But the farther she strays from home, the more her magic and forgotten memories return and she begins to suspect all is not as it seems.

Last Thoughts:

I would recommend this to any fan of elves and fantasy; the world this author has whipped up is pretty darn cool. I would also recommend this to anyone who enjoys books with a mystery that isn’t easily solved. I wouldn’t however recommend this book to anyone who finds it hard to like books with slow beginnings; though it isn’t slow in the fact of action, more in the connection of the reader to character. I also wouldn’t recommend this to readers who don’t enjoy books with a more artistic stroke; the author is very creative in her ideas and description. I really enjoyed this book and can’t wait to finally be able to read the next book in the series (here’s to hoping all my concerns and thoughts get answered). I enjoyed the time I spent on this book and hope to see more from the author in future books to come.

My Rating:

Quote Me Tuesday

"A bird woke him. The waves glittered with morning light. Reed was gone. The fourth round was near." Annihilation of Foreverland by Tony Bertauski


  1. Great review! I will have to look into this one. :)

  2. OH, OH, OH, OH!

    I LOVE elves and fantasy! :) I might just have to check this out. (I agree, the cover IS beautiful, isn't it? But I sometimes wonder about pretty covers. I wonder if they're needed because the books under them aren't that great!)

    This one, however, sounds lovely. Great review! I'll definitely be checking this book out.
