I review just about any genre of books, the only one I shy away from is non-fiction; so depending on the book itself I will let you know if I'm willing to review it or not. I write honest well thought out reviews, so any negative views or thoughts is fair warned. I believe in writing reviews that will help the readers so that they can decide whether they want to read it or not. My reviews will not put down the author, I believe in crtiquing the book on the areas of the plot, character themselves, character development, pace, writing style and description. I will also recommend this to certain people so even if I didn't enjoy it I will give an idea of who will. Also while reviewing I try my best to only focus on reading one book at a time, occasionally I will put one on hold but only in cases that I need time away from a book, so that I will read it more accurately, but that's rare I do that. Also do note that I will review anything I am given to read, there will be a review from it.
If you're an author or publisher and would like me to review a book, go to the contact me tab and I'll try responding as quick as I can. Note that it takes me a couple of days to a week to read the book, due to the time in my life and the book length.
Hope you'll consider allowing me to review your book, I can't wait to see all the new worlds out there.