Thursday, January 19, 2012

Coming March 27, 2012

Date to be published: March 27, 2012
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 Update: I’ve decided to switch my review style around, just trying to play around with some things, so if you like the change let me know; I’m trying to provide a better and more easy read of my reviews (I know they can be quite daunting at times; I’ll admit it).
First Thoughts:
I was surprised to learn that there was yet a second book to “Spellbound”. From my perspective the first book could have totally been a standalone, the epilogue alone satisfied the reader yet I was drawn to this book based solely on the relationship between Emma and Brendan, it is definitely one of those melt you to the bottom of the pot kind of love. So if you’re not one for sappy love, I’m sorry you’ll miss out on a wonderful book…well that is if you are unwilling to give it a try…please for the love of all literature? If by the end of this review you still don’t think this is the book for you then I’ll let you go but I have a feeling you’ll join the “Dark” side soon enough.
The plot was simple and straight forward, at times it was a bit slow due to the author needing the reader get more connected with the characters. But in the end there were all the elements required to make a good plot, there was action, there was conflict and there was a resolution. And man was the resolution awesome though I don’t think I could ever do half of what these characters in this book did.
Emma and Brendan were just as believable and loveable in this book than they were in “Spellbound”. They brought to this book such love and dedication that I found my heart literally melting in envy. To have a relationship these two have is a miracle indeed and it only engrains further within me the notion that love like this really is just in books. But if that’s the case then I’m okay with that; I’ll get all this kind of love out of these kinds of books. But as for the other minor characters I felt they too were vibrant and full of personality and spice! They each had their own part to play.
Transformation of the Character:
The characters didn’t really transform in this book, I think if any transformation did take place it was within the minor characters. Emma’s friend Angelique did do some transforming; she let herself open up and allowed her to see a fellow character in a different light. I was actually quite surprised that she did, she was one of the last characters I thought would change. And Ashley, Emma’s cousin did change though I won’t reveal how she did but that one I did anticipate; there was just no way she could stay that way…no, not Ashley. But in the end you can pin point little changes the characters made but their transformations weren’t essential.
The description was good, it wasn’t in any way overwhelming or lacking. The author did a great job on describing both the characters themselves and the world around them. I just loved the way the author described Megan. But overall the description wasn’t something that won me over for this book.
The author’s writing style has yet to change, she has continued to create a world worth reading and the way she’s able to capture the relationship of two amazing people is what made me like this book so much; the characters themselves; the style won me in this book.
Goodreads Summary:
Finding your eternal soul-mate - easy.
Stopping a true-love-hungry evil - not so much…
After breaking a centuries-old romantic curse, Emma Connor is (almost) glad to get back to normal problems.'s not easy dealing with the jealous cliques and gossip that rule her exclusive Upper East Side prep, even for a sixteen-year-old newbie witch. Having the most-wanted boy in school as her eternal soul mate sure helps ease the pain-especially since wealthy, rocker-hot Brendan Salinger is very good at staying irresistibly close....
 But something dark and hungry is using Emma and Brendan's deepest fears to reveal damaging secrets and destroy their trust in each other. And Emma's crash course in über-spells may not be enough to keep them safe…or to stop an inhuman force bent on making their unsuspected power its own.
Last Thoughts:
I would recommend this to fans of “Spellbound” and to any reader out there who is a sucker for a good romance. But if you’re a reader who finds it difficult to read love at first sight then this isn’t the book for you. I really enjoyed this book, though I didn’t love this book as much as “Spellbound” (it’s very hard to overcome the greatness of the 1st book of a series) I did find it a fast and very enjoyable read. I still felt that same atmosphere as the first book and the characters were certainly put to the test. I definitely wouldn’t mind another book for this series but it also isn’t necessary; the author ended in a note that is both satisfying and complete.
My Rating:

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