Wednesday, December 14, 2011

More Complex and Beautiful

First Thoughts:
I was very excited to start reading this next book, “Dark House” left you off with such a wanting need to know what happens next, I wouldn’t have considered the ending to be a cliff-hanger but it definitely left you wanting more. And so when you start this book it’s exactly where the first book left you off. Immediately I felt drawn in, the setting and characters were both dark and cynical. So much happened in this book, I thought this book was way different from “Dark House” it seemed to have a more complex and deeper conflict than the first one. I loved the fact that so many issues that were buried in the first book were brought to the surface. As for the plot itself I really thought this one was more cared for, I thought the first book’s plot was great but this one was better, there were better sub-plots and the climax was one that left me on the edge of the seat unsure of the fate of the characters. As for the characters themselves there were a few in this book that seemed flat, I felt that they could have added more texture to the book, like the character Miguel, it would have been cool to see some of the reasons he acted the way he did; he in my opinion was one of the most interesting characters in the book. But as for another character I felt could have added more POW! To the story would have been Will, though he had life and character I didn’t feel like he transformed any in the book, I really thought it would have powered the book more by adding in him changing, this book was about him after all. But as for the main character Perry I felt she transformed some more though she’s not all the way to where she needs to be but she has more stories to do that. But as for Dex I felt that he really changed in this book, more so than in “Darkhouse”. I fell more in love with his character and the choices and actions he made in the book added another level in my opinion. As for all of the characters together I felt they were as realistic as they could be in their world, though there were a few in this book that could never exist out of their world they were very well created to fit in their environment. As for the description itself I felt the author did a great job on describing the scenery of New Mexico, I’ve been there so I know exactly how it looks, feels, smells, tastes like and sound likes. I felt she added in the right elements and captured the feel of a small town in the desolate New Mexico territory. As for the writing style in this book I felt that it matched that of “Darkhouse” It flowed smoothly and I found very little grammar issues. I also felt that the dialogue was real and wasn’t fake or forced. I’ve found that some books that the dialogue can really make or break the success of execution; it is a very important element in a book. But overall this book executed a great storyline and set up a nice place for the next book “Dead Sky Morning” to start up.
Goodreads Summary:
With Book Two of the Experiment in Terror Series, Perry Palomino and Dex Foray trade in the stormy Oregon coast for the unforgiving deserts of New Mexico.
In the for­got­ten town of Red Fox, a Navajo cou­ple is tor­tured by things unseen and by motives unknown. Wild ani­mals slink through their house in the dark, a bar­rage of stones pound their roof nightly, and muti­lated sheep car­casses are turn­ing up on their prop­erty. Armed with a cam­era and just enough to go on, Perry and Dex travel to the des­o­late locale, hop­ing to film the super­nat­ural occur­rences and add cred­i­bil­ity to their flail­ing web­cast. Only their show has a lot more work­ing against them than just grow­ing pains. Tested by dubi­ous ranch hands, a ghost from Dex’s past, and shape shifting decep­tion, the ama­teur ghost hunters must learn to trust each other in order to fight the most ancient of myths…or die trying.
Last Thoughts:
I would recommend this to those of you who enjoyed “Darkhouse” and to those who have an interest in the paranormal. I felt that the author had a creative mind when it came to creating such interesting and paranormal characters while adding a sense of history and heritage into it. I don’t know if the author meant to add that much depth to the characters but she sure did. Now I wouldn’t recommend this to those who shy away from books that deal with the paranormal and to those of you who don’t particularly enjoy stories in which seems too unbelievable there are scenes in here that made me stop and re-read just to make sure I read it right but I thought that element have the series character.  But in the end I cannot wait to get my hands on the third book “Dead Sky Morning” because it looks like this girl here is addicted to these characters and wants no needs to know what happens next.

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